Flying With an Eagle…

The current line-up of the Eagles comes to the United Center this week for two concerts.  I won’t be at either show but I saw them live back in 1995.  And a couple years before that I had a couple of meet-ups with Eagles co-founder Glenn Frey.  Here’s an excerpt from those encounters with Glenn which will be found in my media memoir “Raised on the Radio” whenever it comes out.

Glenn Frey came to Q-101 when in town to play in a charity golf outing and promote his “Strange Weather” album. I grew up on Eagles music and was cautiously eager to meet him. I knew of all the strife within the band before they stopped working together in 1980 and wasn’t sure how he would be with us. In the past, all members of the Eagles were very leery of, and hesitant to talk to the media. It turned out Glenn was an excellent guest with us; maybe no longer being in the band and butting heads with the Don Henley and the rest of the guys put him in a good mood.  He took calls and one listener even asked about the intestinal health struggles Frey dealt with for years with, and he openly talked about those problems. 

One thing I noticed was the cadence in which Glenn Frey spoke during his interview with Robert Murphy. He was clear and deliberate in his conversation but with an engaging style. I tend to talk in a similar manner so I identified with and liked the former Eagle from the start.

 When it came time to record a couple of promos for the Murphy show, Frey carefully looked over my typed lines in the production room. I asked if there were any problems and was told no, it was good copy.  He was just measuring everything out to make sure he gave good reads.   So yes, I’ve recorded in a studio with an Eagle.

Glenn Frey and yours truly after his visit with the Murphy in the Morning Show at Q-101. (We coordinated our blue jeans and gym shoes look)

Months after visiting us at Q-101, I saw Glenn play a concert at the Vic Theater. He did his solo hits and Eagles classics. Backstage after the show, again he was a pleasure to spend a few minutes with. I also made points with my date as he gladly took pictures and signed an autograph for her. 

The intestinal problems Glenn Frey was so open to discuss with Murphy listeners ended up being part of what ended his life in January of 2016. Those issues along with rheumatoid arthritis and pneumonia did him in at the way too young age of sixty-seven.  A number of celebrities I met over the years have since died, but Glenn’s passing was a tough one to take in. He was great with me in 1992 and I was thrilled to have seen the re-united Eagles in concert a couple years later. 

I also admired Frey’s solo music. From the Chuck Berry styled rock and roll of “Party Town” (a song that never got its proper due) to the sax and horns Memphis sound of “The One You Love” and “True Love.” The acting he did in “Wiseguy” and “Miami Vice” along with soundtrack work for those shows was good, as was his role as the tough-negotiating Arizona Cardinals general manager in “Jerry Maguire.” 

Backstage at the Vic Theater- Left to right- Record rep David Pearl, my date the lovely Joann, Glenn Frey and me with a concert t-shirt draped over my shoulder.

Over the years the Eagles have had their share of detractors; many citing Frey and Don Henley for being difficult and greedy rock stars. I choose to look past those stories and appreciate the music they brought us. Glenn’s hassles within the band be damned, he was first rate in my book and always will be. Rest in peace, Glenn Lewis Frey.

Next Blog- Some more fun cover songs.