Some Personal Truths

No Losing My Lunch- Early February marked a special anniversary for me.  It was around February 5th or 6th of 1991 when I last vomited.  I remember this because I producing the Murphy in the Morning Show at Q-101 at the time and it was a little over a week before our Valentine’s Day boudoir photo promotion. As the show started at 5:30 a.m., I had to run to the bathroom to get sick.  After cleaning up, I thought I could make it until the show’s end.  But half an hour later I made another dash to the men’s room and got sick again. This stomach flu  sent me home for the rest of the show and the whole next day.  In 20 years in radio, it was the only time I ever had to leave my post due to illness.  So now my puke-free streak is at 33 years.  Let’s see if I can do another 33 years.

Unlike Flounder in “Animal House”, I’ve remained puke free for over 33 years now.

Eyes Closed Shut- Whenever I get a haircut, I keep my eyes closed throughout the trimming.  I think this goes back to the days when I had longer hair with bangs and a haircut would leave strands of cut hair falling in my face. Nowadays, I don’t open my lamps until the cutting is done and we’re ready for final approval from me to Brittany, my stylist at Sport Clips in Elmhurst.

Sweet Treats & More– If I’m ever going to shape up physically, I need to stop rolling thru the drive-thru at Stan’s for their red velvet doughnuts.  Those sweets are like chewable heroin!

Stopped Up. My kitchen sink’s pipes need a cleaning out so I called the good people at Dhamer Plumbing for service. I grew up with Jim and Jerry Dhamer as their family’s house was right behind ours. Jerry was senselessly murdered back in 2006 and that crime has yet to be solved. However, the family business continues to thrive and is celebrating 50 years of plumbing services.  For the past year or so I’ve been clearing my clogs by boiling a huge vat of water and dumping that in my sink.  It DOES clear the drain but I get clogs starting up two weeks later.

Time for some pipe cleaning in my kitchen sink.

Watch out for that hole. Whenever I get my oil changed at Jiffy Lube, I always let the workers there roll my car into the service area.  I have this unexplainable fear of driving into the open spot on the floor where they do their work.  Also, I’m not real crazy about getting my wheels in the right groove when going through car washes.

Pool It. We’re less than three months away from the opening of East End Pool and the summer swim season and I can’t wait to see my ‘summer family’ again.  East End Pool is a family friendly place and everyone dresses appropriately for the warm sun and refreshing water. 

With that said, I wish that famous models and actresses would lose the wearing of thong bikini bottoms that are shown all over the show-biz websites. We get it, you have a cellulite and pimple free turd-cutter, now stop. 

Look, I’m as much a woman watcher and admirer as ever, but that butt floss look just smacks of desperation or as the kids would say, “Looking too thirsty.”  We can blame this decades long booty fetish on Jennifer Lopez and those godawful Kardashians but haven’t we seen enough of bare ass cheeks?  As I’ve said before, that string up the crack looks so uncomfortable and worst of all, unsanitary.

I could not voice enough support for this fashion sign.

Finally, two weeks ago I pre-sold my writing about the late great Glenn Frey.  With the Eagles coming to town next week, I’ll post up the blog that shares the couple of times I got to fly in the same orbit with the Eagles co-founder.