The majority of American states that ‘opened up’ their economy and loosened public restrictions are now seeing surges and spikes in new cases of what I call this “bastard virus.” Forget the arguments of ‘there’s more testing’ so we now have more cases. When people feel symptoms and even when they don’t, they’re going to get tested. Keep in mind our nation’s leader says forget the testing and we won’t see spikes in virus numbers. That’s like me saying if I don’t get on the bathroom scale anymore then I won’t have a weight problem.
The state of Illinois is about to hit Phase 4 this Friday as we get back to some semblance of ‘normal.’ Virus cases are down, social distancing is being followed and I sure as shit hope when this new ‘opening up’ happens that we don’t see a big rise in cases. However, I won’t be surprised to see virus cases increase to bigger numbers in the Land of Lincoln. I’m not being a pessimist, just a realist. My reasoning is simple. While opening businesses and allowing people to “live again’ is great, I expect many folks will let things slide. Things like mask wearing, hand washing, social distancing and all other elements that help prevent the spread of COVID 19, can easily go by the wayside. Personally, in my suburban hamlet, I’m already seeing too many people in public not wearing masks. I keep thinking, “Please don’t get this virus and if you have it, don’t spread it to others!”
I mentioned getting on a bathroom scale. Dealing with the COVID 19 pandemic reminds me of the challenge of weight loss. The diet industry is a mega-billion dollar business because when folks shed some pounds and start looking and feeling better, what do they do next? They gradually backslide to their old habits. A fat juicy burger here, a high calorie dessert there and pretty soon it’s, “Goodbye Jenny Craig, hello again to previously worn fat clothes.” There is no lower feeling then having to go in the closet and throw back on the old fat clothes! Trust me, as a lifelong loser and gainer of many pounds, I know what I speak of and so do millions of other weight loss failures.
When Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois plan begins, I worry that more masks will come off, there’ll be reckless crowding up in bars & other social gatherings, then before you know it, people will be getting fevers, sore throats and body aches. Next, they’ll get tested and flagged for the virus. It is human nature to relax and let up when things are going well and that is exactly what is happening with the spiking of virus cases in other states.
There’s an old saying, “Change happens in an instant, it’s the resistance to change that’s hard to overcome.” Yes, right now many of us have changed our lives. We’ve sheltered in place and worked to observe social distancing. However, when more public spaces open and opportunities to gather with others increases, that is when the ‘resistance’ to change can creep in on us. The letting up and relaxing of one’s guard in weight loss or this bastard virus brings about an inevitable return to bad news.
I WANT to be proven wrong. So when phase 4 starts this week, work hard to avoid the expected backslide. If you venture out to be social again, mask up and be safe, not stupid. Until a proven vaccine is developed and properly distributed, this ballgame is not and will not be over.
As things look brighter, stay vigilant and overcome that resistance to change. Don’t let yourself backslide. Otherwise we’re gonna have to go back to putting on our old fat clothes,.. again!
NEXT BLOG: We’ll play a new round of ‘Have You Ever’?