A Summer Blog

Come 3 p.m. this Friday, my summer break begins.  It’s been another fun and challenging school year and our fantastic staff has more than earned our 6 ½ week  vacation… 

Can’t wait for more long days in my local pool, can you blame me?

The cicadas’ once every 17 years concert of sound is fading out so here are a few random thoughts:

Last week I re-watched the late 90’s mystery thriller “The Sixth Sense” and found it to actually be quite dull.  Filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan has had an interesting and much talked about career, but for my money, his best film was “Unbreakable.”  His next film “Trap” comes out on August 2nd and is a reported psychological thriller as a father and daughter attend a concert while the dad is being watched and hunted by authorities.  Sounds intriguing.  There really aren’t many other new movies to look forward to this summer, unlike last year when we had the whole “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” thing happening.

The Sixth Sense wasn’t as good as I remembered it to be.

With the warm and steamy weather here, I’m spending a great deal of time at East End Pool and that will go full blast starting June 29th.  It’s so good to reunite with my ‘Summer Family.’  I know I’ve said this before but it bears repeating. There are few things more appealing than seeing a woman in a tasteful one-piece swimsuit. Some bikinis are O.K. but ladies, ditch the thongs. They smack of desperation and look unsanitary.

The one piece swimsuit attracts without being a crude distraction.

While the Cubs and White Sox have been disappointing so far this season, I have a new set of score sheets printed and will be doing some at home score card tracking for various ballgames. (Holy crap, am I nerdy!)

Baseball nerds unite. Time to keep score of some ballgames on TV.


My home chores will include re-painting the trim on the front of my garage, water sealing the back steps and raking out the leaves, dust and assorted garbage out of my garage which luckily is not jammed up with much junk.  I also need to trim back some bushes and other growth in the yard. Our wet and warm spring has really made stuff overgrow.

I have a sleep study set for July (my first in 12 years) and need to look into buying a new set of tires for my car.

Other than these things, I need to get more research done to self-publish my memoir “Raised on the Radio” which I REALLY want to get out to the public next spring.  This past year flew by and I want to set up that book publishing and promotion the proper way.

I’ll be taking a break from blogging with the next post coming sometime in mid to late August.  Til then, it’s flip flops, t-shirts, swimming, sunning and living life without a set schedule.  I look forward to all of it!

Happy Summer to everyone!