Summer’s Coming!

Memorial Day 2024 is in the books, the weather is warm, the grass, trees and plants are thriving.  Wrigley Field’s ivy is fully flushed and green, school days are winding down and we can smell the season of summer approaching.  We had a mild winter but no matter, the days of the summer solstice are always pined and looked forward to.  Here’s some of what’s going on.

Suave Don Draper from “Mad Men” shares thoughts on the coming of summer.

On the subject of baseball, the Cubs are chugging along O.K. in spite of plenty of players injuries.  The White Sox? Not so much.  Al Flash and I put together a Sox suck parody and as critical as I often am towards our works, this one turned out damn good.  So good that it has garnered hundreds of views on You Tube with very little push from me or Al.


Three weeks ago, I drove by East End Pool and all swimming splashing sections of the place were completely filled with water.  That seemed early until I realized that the lifeguards who’ll work there this summer need to undergo their annual training and safety certifications and that takes a bit of time.  East End opened on Saturday May 25th. More on that to be shared on a future post.

One caveat this year is the Elmhurst Park District agreed with my pleas to give us season pass holders freebie guest passes for friends.  We each get four of these passes so folks who normally aren’t at the pool can hang with us for some sun, fun and swimming. 

The Memorial Day weekend weather only allowed me to swim on Saturday but it was still good to be back in the water.

I’ve got freshly bought Reef flip flops to wear to the pool and a new tote bag.  My previous tote was in fine shape but I gave it to one of my students who was in need of a book bag.  She likes that bag and I was happy to give it to her.  Once the swim season is in gear, I pretty much live out of my tote bag.

This is the pool & beach tote bag I’ll be living out of for most of the summer.

Speaking of students, today Tuesday May 28th my school holds its annual graduation commencement ceremony for high school and middle school grads. It’s a simple but touching event where we teachers get to pay personal tribute to the kiddos who’ve achieved and are preparing for the next step in their academic or real world lives.  I have three seniors from my caseload to honor that day and it’s going to be fun to launch them to the next phase of their lives.

Our school’s Graduation Ceremony happens on Tuesday May 28th. It’s always a special event.

Later this week, we’ll start ESY (Extended School Year or as most call it, ‘Summer School.’)  Those four weeks fly by fast and then we’ll get to our anticipated vacation time.

Summer school starts at the end of the week. And “Summer School” the movie is a fun watch.

ODDS & ENDS.  In June, I have an appointment to be re-fitted for contact lenses, which I haven’t worn in over ten years.  Glasses are O.K. but it’s time for a change both at school and at the pool.  I just need to remember when swimming to not open my eyes underwater when wearing those lenses.

Other things to take care of include getting my house fully scrubbed and cleaned by a local maid service which is something I do a few times a year. I’ll patch up a few driveway cracks then have it re-sealed and my back steps need to be water sealed.   I’m also out shopping for a new bed.  My mattress and box spring are worn down to the thinness of a Matzo and it’s time!

So, here’s to the tasks to take care of and the fun to be had come summer…

Clint Black sings it and we can feel it, Summer’s Coming.

Next Blog- A Special 40 Year Anniversary.