Stuff on My Mind.

I’ve a few things on my mind.  Here it all is.

All the hubbub about Taylor Swift’s new double album.  Wow!  I admire her work ethic and the massive fandom she’s built around the world.  Pretty incredible stuff. With all that said, Taylor’s music really isn’t for me.  And at age 34, she’s still writing songs from the perspective of a spurned 15 year old girl.  Oh well.  Actually, my favorite Taylor Swift song is one she wrote but gave to the country band Little Big Town.  It’s called “Better Man” and it really carries the message of someone leaving an abusive relationship.  Well done Tay Tay!

“Better Man” is such a great song that Taylor Swift wrote and gave to Little Big Town to record.

At the start of the baseball season, I said the White Sox would lose 100 games. I need to amend that prediction.  In baseball’s 162 game schedule, every team wins at least 50 games and loses 50 games.  It’s what happens in the other 62 games that reflects what kind of season it’s going to be.  Well now I have to say I don’t think the Sox are even going to win 50 games!

They just won 3 games in a row but this White Sox season still looks grim.

Rumors say Adam Sandler is putting together a sequel to the 1996 farce fest “Happy Gilmore.”  In my sarcastic voice I say- “Did they ever make a sequel to the classic “Citizen Kane”?  No.  So why touch a film gem like “Happy G?”

Let’s see if a modern day classic gets a sequel.

I’ve posted on Facebook at how weak the final season of Larry David’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm” was.  There were lots of lame confrontations and way too much yelling which is a telltale sign that the comedy has dried up.  However, the next to last episode of “Curb” titled “Ken & Kendra” was really good.  Bruce Springsteen made a guest appearance and is spot on funny.  When Larry tried to visit Bruce’s L.A. house, Springsteen is damn hilarious.

Bruce and Larry were pretty funny together on ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’.

It’s official, Mc Donald’s prices have spiked way too high.  The other day I hit their drive-thru for a dinky caramel sundae and it cost just under five dollars!  Jeez, for a buck and a half more I could get a much bigger and better treat from Culvers.  Sorry, Mc Donald’s, I’m NOT loving it.

People who drive cars with dark tinted windows are often the most aggressive and dangerous drivers on the road.  Kind of scary.

I’m puzzled these days by men on TV doing the weather or hosting sports reports & talk shows wearing sneakers.  (or do you say gym shoes?) These fellas are dressed in suits and ties, looking classy and then when you get a full body view, they’re sporting the latest in New Balance or Nike trainers.  Really?  Come on guys, let’s class it up a bit.

Dunk Tanks at carnivals would be more fun if the person getting dunked dropped into water that was loaded with flesh eating piranhas.

Elmhurst has many beautiful homes. Driving around town I see lots of them have Adirondack chairs set on front porches or neatly positioned in their yards.  Only one problem.  I NEVER see anyone actually sitting on them, relaxing and enjoying some chill time. 

Plenty of nice chair set-ups are out there. But I don’t see anyone sitting in them.

NEXT BLOG- The Return of the Cicadas.