Hitting to all Fields

Got some different happenings and thoughts rolling around in my coconut so here we go.

One more time I want to share that the music documentary “Immediate Family” is an excellent watch.  Catch it for 8 bucks on Amazon Prime or see if your local library has it on DVD to check out.  Musicians Danny Kortchmar, Russ Kunkel, Waddy Wachtel and Leland Sklar have played on more major hit songs from the 1970’s to the present than anyone can count.  They’ve recorded and toured with stars like James Taylor, Carole King, Jackson Browne, Linda Ronstadt, Don Henley, Phil Collins, Stevie Nicks and many others.  The film shares details of each of their remarkable music careers.  This group has recorded their own music and my current favorite of those cuts is “Skin in the Game” which offers excellent advice to aspiring musicians and to anyone starting out in any profession.

Another good watch is the six-part Netflix series “Griselda” which covers the rise and fall of infamous cocaine drug lord Griselda Blanco.  Sofia Vergara plays Griselda (and is much more attractive than the real Griselda) Much of each episode is in Spanish so you read subtitles. There’s loads of action, sex, money and oh yes, drug use.  They note a quote from known drug kingpin Pablo Escobar who said he was never scared of any man in the drug business but he DID fear Griselda.


I GOT A WEAK BACK. I GOT IT ABOUT A WEEK BACK. Just as we transitioned from out of the snowy sub-zero weather and to the rainy thaw that followed, I came down with the worst lower back pain of my life!  I braved it out on 1/24 but had to call in sick the next day.  I’d never been so hobbled in my life but was able to score an early morning doctor appointment on that sick day. My doctor ordered muscle relaxers and a prescription strength pain reliever.  Within a couple of hours after taking my first doses, I was doing better and made it back to the classroom on Friday.  Being totally pain free since Saturday night, I’m off both meds.  These pills are opioids and people get addicted to that classification of drugs because they continue taking them even when they’re not in pain.  The prescriptions are now in my medicine cabinet and will only be used when if and when it’s absolutely necessary.

Gotta be careful with taking opioids for pain. Nobody wants to end up a pill dependent mess like Elvis.

POOL IT! Season passes for the Elmhurst public pools go on sale February 1st.  The renewal price has gone up again, but considering I spend much of my summer at East End Pool, it comes down to paying less than a dollar a day for pool privileges.  Once I re-up my pass online this week, I’ll take a drive to the now empty pool and look around a bit.  All the time I’ll be thinking, “It won’t be long until I’m in the water and hanging with my summer family.”

Won’t be long before we’re back in the water. Katy Perry is cordially invited to be my guest at East End Pool.

STOLEN PHONE STORY. Speaking of the pool, two summers ago my dinky little flip phone was stolen out of my car while I swam.  I was pissed off and had to cancel my cell service and order a new dinky flip phone.  Well, this past weekend I was vacuuming my car and when jostling around under the passenger seat, guess what I found?  My old ‘stolen’ flip phone!  In July of 2022 it must’ve slipped off my console to under that seat and I assumed it was ripped off.  Looking at my sad little phone I realized it’s time to upgrade to a better communication device, not an I-Phone but some kind of decent android piece.


THE SUPER BOWL IS SET. So it’s the 49ers vs. the champion Chiefs for Super Bowl 58 in Las Vegas. Last year’s big game saw me win over $100 bucks in wagers and I’m still pondering what money and bets to play. I’m leaning towards the Chiefs winning over the 49ers and betting on the ‘over’ of 47 and a half points.


NEXT BLOG- When I know, you’ll know.