My 2023 In Review

In just a few days, the calendar year 2023 ends and we move on to 2024.  It’s a time to reflect on what went down in the past 12 months and it’s hard to give this year a grade or rating.  It sure as shit was an up and down ride.

January didn’t start out well when I had to put Trouble, my beloved 17 ½ year old kitty cat to sleep due to old age physical ailments.  It happened the day after my birthday and was the right thing to do at the right time.  I’ve been through the loss of other cats and dogs over the years but no matter how many times that experience happens, it NEVER gets any easier.  This is the first time in almost sixty years that I’ve lived in a house without at least one pet.

This portrait of Trouble was sent to me by my friend Kelly Jourdan Duff. Best gift I got all year!

And yet, with the hurt of losing my furry family member, the outpouring of Facebook posts and the calls & emails I got about Trouble were a huge help.  Many have offered assistance and encouragement in me getting another cat and I appreciate all that input.  In 2024, I hope to adopt two kitties at the same time so they can keep each other company while I’m at school teaching.

My favorite picture of Trouble who photo bombs me. He was never far from my side.

The spring brought the sad details of my East End Pool swim pal Paul suffering a debilitating stroke.  I visited Paul several times at an Oak Brook nursing care facility and have seen him at his more recent locale as well.

My East End swim buddy Paul in a recent photo at his nursing home. I visited him several times and need to get back and see him to talk more sports and music.

Then came the news that blew away me and my fellow Swain-Mitchell boys; that our childhood and close friend Tom Hassler had a brain tumor and needed surgery plus radiation and chemotherapy.  He battled hard through the treatments but passed away on December 10th.  Me and all who knew and loved Tommy are heartbroken.  I’m so grateful I got to see him one last time back in late October. While my pal was in a mostly comatose state, he did react to some of the warm memories I shared.  Tom’s services will be held after the holidays and I’ll have more to say about him at that time. I feel like a lost a brother.

Tom Hassler surrounded by dear pals at his daughter Kendall’s wedding. His brother Pete is in the glasses sitting behind him. Tom and Pete were the first two best friends I ever had.

2023 was more than gloomy health news.  There was the birth of my second grand-niece Julia Nagy in the late summer.  Big sister Eliza is a living doll and she adores her new sibling.  My nephew Mike (named after me 33 years ago) and his wife Maggie are the most incredibly loving parents.

Cuteness overload with Eliza and baby sister Julia.

Another bright spot was my brother- in-law Jack marrying his longtime love, Lori.  My sister Marianne was Jack’s first wife until she passed away in November of 2014. A few years later he started dating Lori.  I am beyond thrilled for Jack and know my sister would want her surviving mate to move forward in his life, just as she did at age 27 when she lost her first husband Gary to cancer.  Jack was such a devoted husband to Marianne and remains a fantastic father to my nephew Mike and niece Dei. His retirement years get to be happily spent with Lori & her kids, and of course his granddaughters.

Grandpa Jack Nagy and his granddaughter Julia. Love the joy on their faces!

As for me, things went well.  School teaching at Parkland Preparatory Academy continues to be my passion and frequent challenge.  (That’s what makes it fun) Seeing more of my kiddos graduate this past spring and here in December was beyond gratifying.

The summer swim season was a good one and I got to better know some of the lady ‘water walkers’ at East End Pool.  Peggy B is one of those pool regulars and we both realized that she was one of my swim instructors at York Commons Pool 55 years ago. Since I haven’t drowned yet, Peggy did a good job!

I finished the final, final edit of my media memoir “Raised on the Radio” and am in the process of learning all I need to know about self-publishing to Amazon. 

Bottom line- the year was a mixed bag of sad and bad news for people who mean much to me but there were some bright spots too.   

So as 2023 prepares for its exit, I want to wish those of you who read my posts a safe and wonderful holiday season and a healthy and Happy New Year. 

Last selfie (I hate that word) of the year.

FYI- I’ll be taking a few weeks off from blogs and catch up to you again in 2024.