Staying With The Tried & True

There’s a scene in the late 80’s movie “Murphy’s Romance” where Murphy (played by James Garner) is buying his favorite shirt at a store.  The store clerk complains he should try a different kind of shirt but Murphy holds true to his own choice.  The clerk then tells him he’s out of style and Murphy smiles and says, “I wouldn’t doubt it for a minute.”  I can identify with staying with the tried, true and favorites.  Here are three examples.

SIMPSONS WALL CALENDAR- After a one-year hiatus from having a Simpsons calendar, I have one set for 2024.  Let me explain- Since 1993, I’ve had a Simpsons calendar hanging in my house each year.  Yes, a little old school for the I-pad, Apple watch thriving so many people do, but I like the visual of a wall calendar to suit my daily needs. The reason I passed on ordering one for 2023 was the year before that, my calendar was printed with Monday being the first day posted on the far left.  This screwed me up for all of 2022.  It was a total break from most calendars which have Sunday as the first spot on the left.  So, when I saw 2023’s Simpsons calendar was set up the same as 2022’s, I passed on it (breaking the thirty-year tradition) and opted for a Major League baseball stadium calendar.  But now the makers of the Simpsons calendars wised up and went back to Sunday being the first day on the left for each month so now I start a new streak of ordering that calendar for my wall.

And I sure hope 2024 is a better year in the world and for all of us than 2023 has been.

Thanks to the printers going back to traditional calendar grids, I’m back with a Simpsons wall calendar for 2024.

I like to keep life consistent whenever possible in other ways too.  Case in point, my VH-1 key ring fob that I’ve had bind my car and house keys since 1992.  I got this once green colored but now faded to dull gray charm while attending one of the coolest concerts I ever saw. The fob was in a goodie bag given out to guests at a VH-1 event held at the WTTW studios in Chicago.  I was one of about a hundred folks who witnessed a two-hour acoustic performance by Neil Young.  It was just Neil and his guitar playing tracks from his newly released “Harvest Moon” album along with songs dating all the way back to his days with Buffalo Springfield.  I remember him opening the show with the timeless classic track “Mr. Soul.”  Young also brought along a pipe organ which was saved for his last song of the night, a haunting version of “Like a Hurricane.”  That was a special night of music and that VH-1 key ring fob has been with me ever since.

It’s well worn but still durable. My VH-1 key ring fob.

CHECK HOLDER– For years, like anyone else, I had a bank issued checkbook.  A flimsy plastic binder that held a load of to be used checks and my register.  Then at Christmas of 1994, I asked my mother for a leather-bound check holder.  The idea came to me when I remembered seeing the leather check holder my dear friend and mentor Lee Swanson used to have.  His was emblazoned with the Record Gallery logo, which was a music store he owned back in the 70’s.  Lee had just passed away a couple months before Christmas of 1994 and I was thinking of him and how I wanted a similar leather-bound check holder.  I’ve had that same check holder for almost thirty years and will use it until it’s my time to leave this world.

My leather checkbook holder. I’ve had this one since 1994.

So, while there’s nothing wrong with the new, with certain things, I prefer some personal items that are tried and true. 

NEXT BLOG- Ringing out 2023 and ringing in 2024.