Happy Birthday Trouble!


My cat Trouble turns 14 this week so I thought I’d write a tribute to my feline friend.  My mother and I picked out this one year old neutered domestic short haired cat at the DuPage Animal Shelter in late July of 2006.  They had a senior’s adoption special going on and since our new cat’s papers were signed by mom, the total fee to take him home was only one dollar! 

Trouble’s shelter name was ‘Chase’ and when we said yes to his adoption the whole facility was abuzz with exclamations of “Chase is going home! Chase is going home!”  The good folks at the shelter were really thrilled we picked out this little fella. They almost seemed over-excited, especially since we’ve rescued other animals from there and I don’t recall them going so nuts for another critter finding a furever home.

We gave Trouble his name because for the first day and a half of being at our house he hid.  We had no idea where he went until I lifted up a love seat and saw a sagging in the material ticking. I touched it and realized our new cat stashed himself up inside the furniture.  I laughed, pulled him out and held his furry face to mine, gave him a hug and gently put him down.  After that, he realized neither me nor my mom meant him any harm.  Still, a few minutes later he jumped on a shelf and knocked over a clock encased in glass that shattered into a thousand pieces. Our new resident then went on to tear up some papers on the dining room table.  I looked at my mom and said. “This one’s gonna be trouble” and with that we had his name.

For his first 4 years at my house Trouble shared the place with our pure white kitty named Dudley.  They got along O.K. and even sat together at times. However Trouble would never come into my room because Dudley had a little bed set up in the corner and our newcomer didn’t want to infringe on Dudley’s space.  I still don’t think Dudley would’ve minded.  In May of 2010 I had to put Dudley to sleep because of failing health due to old age. Only after then did Trouble ever come into my room.


Trouble was really my mom’s cat and his mornings were spent sitting on her lap as she read the paper or watched TV and had her coffee. He also slept with her at night and lounged on mom’s bed during daytime hours. My mother passed away in October of 2009. After that, his morning routine was permanently changed. There were times when Trouble would look out our front window for hours at a time and I wondered if he was waiting for my mom to come back home.
Trouble LOVES looking out windows and in the warm weather he’ll lean against the screens and sniff at the winds and outdoor aromas. He’ll also squawk out birdlike noises trying to attract birds with his mimicry. They never buy it. Still, this kitty has no interest in going outside at all, never. He’s the first cat I’ve ever had who is content to stay indoors exclusively.
Planted on a desk at the living room front window, Trouble will growl and hiss every day at our mailman. He also does this at anyone else who comes to the door. It’s like he’s a guard cat yet the minute anyone comes IN the house Trouble runs and hides. I have no idea why he shows such aggression to approaching strangers.
My guy Trouble has other quirks. At breakfast he inhales his quarter can of Fancy Feast in mere seconds. Trouble also loves bacon! The first time I brought home a McDonald’s bacon, egg and cheese bagel he came running and wouldn’t stop crying until I gave him a full strip of bacon. I never had a cat who craved bacon. When I pick up a take-out breakfast from Mr. G’s I always order bacon so it can be shared with Trouble.
When getting dressed each morning I’ll be sitting on my bed and Trouble comes jumping up and meows waiting to be petted and rubbed. He’ll nuzzle his face against my hands and won’t leave until he gets a good five minutes of undivided attention. Some of that must come from him missing the morning hang out routine with my late mother.


At night when I’m sitting at my desk surfing the net or writing, Trouble perches himself atop my easy chair as he looks over all that I’m up to.  He’s a great companion though his shyness keeps those who visit me from getting to know him.  When it’s time for bed, Trouble bunks near my feet but he never likes to be covered up with any blankets.  Sometimes when I nap I’ll wake up to find his furry face curled up tight against my chest.  Other times in the middle of the night I’ll hear Trouble sprinting through the house in the dark.  I have no idea what the former ‘Chase’ is chasing but it sounds like an intense time.

Three years ago Trouble had a little urinary tract infection that was healed in a week thanks to medication. Other than that, he’s been a trim, healthy and problem free cat. I’ve thought about adopting a companion for this kitty but he’s kind of set in his ways and doesn’t seem to be wanting for anyone new to join the household.  So we continue on, me and Trouble. I wish him a happy fourteenth birthday with hopefully many more birthdays to come. Meow!


NEXT WEEK’S BLOG- A concert of cover songs you should check out!