An Update on “Raised on the Radio”

As the old phrase states, “The best laid plans of mice and men can often go awry.”  Boy, isn’t that the truth?  Last summer I was putting the wheels into motion to release my media memoir “Raised on the Radio” on Amazon n 2025.  The plan was to make it an e-book and paperback release for those who wanted that option.  The strategy was for me to spend the late spring and then the summer of THIS YEAR promoting the book; doing phone interviews for radio, podcasts, TV spots if possible and online avenues as well.

“Raised on the Radio” is NOT coming out this year.  Life got in the way; that’s for sure.  It started with having a very difficult school year.  The students I had were a true challenge (harder than any other year I’ve ever had) and many adjustments, meetings and other measures had to be taken to get things together.  Things calmed down at times but those first four months were very rough. I had little post-work free time to dedicate to my book project. 

The other problem was my health issues which I chronicled earlier this week. From mid-December through March, I had various procedures and challenges like I never experienced before.

 I knew back in February the book release would not happen in 2025.  It bummed me out but I had to accept the logistical facts.

No book this year. Maybe another time.


It’s hard to look too far in the future.  Right now I need to focus on my personal health and adding the burden of releasing and promoting a book is not conducive to getting well.  There’s no way to put a timetable on my health issues.  It sucks, but to borrow an overused phrase, “It is what it is.”  

Will “Raised on the Radio” ever get out to the public?   ‘We’ll see’ is the best answer I can offer. Most people don’t read anymore anyway; so my media memoir being permanently shelved would not be a major loss to the literary world. 

That’s about all folks.   Stay tuned.